Dear David and Fawn Christopher,
I am one of the 2,000 new students that joined the School of Natural
Healing Online last year. I am currently finishing level 500 and have felt a
need to send this letter along with a profound sense of gratitude to you for
the work that you are doing in shedding light on the miracle of our bodies
and the beautiful healing foods and plants prepared for us by a loving
I wanted to take a minute and share some experiences I have had since I
have began my studies with you and The School of Natural Healing. The
following stories are just a fraction of what I have experienced since
starting the school last year.
The Beginning
I have an 8 year old daughter, Katie, who has Down Syndrome. She has
suffered chronic ear and sinus infections for years. We were constantly in
the doctor’s office for another round of antibiotics. I knew that they were
harsh on the body and was extremely concerned for her. One day I
expressed my concern to her pediatrician that there must be something
we could do to strengthen her immune system or eliminate something
from her diet. I was laughed at and told it was just the lot Katie had been
given and she would always be sick. I was furious.
I looked around for an alternative, signed up for the School of Natural
Healing and Katie has not been back to any doctor in almost a year. We
have all but eliminated milk from her diet and when she does start in on a
sinus or ear infection we start her on Dr. Christopher’s Infection Formula
and Kid-e-Mune and the results are immediate.
Cayenne, X-ceptic, and BF&C
Just weeks into the first class I was chopping carrots and sliced my thumb
clear down to the bone, severing the nerves. I could tell I had severed the
nerves because the pain was not only in my thumb but in the other fingers
and down my hand as well. I don’t know if I should admit this or not but
when I saw the blood gushing from my thumb I was excited because I
could see if Cayenne would really stop the bleeding in 10 seconds. I put a
tsp of cayenne into a glass of water and drank it and sure enough…it
I then walked over to my neighbor who is a nurse. She and I had talked
several times previous about what I had been learning. I asked her if I was
stupid for not going to the ER for stitches. She was concerned that I didn’t
want to go but curious as well. I covered my thumb with X-ceptic and
BF&C and put on a bandaid. I did this several times a day and was
fascinated as the days progressed and there was no infection setting in.
Soon the nerves in my thumb and the surrounding fingers began tingling
as they healed. Within a couple of weeks you couldn’t tell I had ever cut
my thumb.
My mother and Kidney Failure
By mid summer I had finished the level 100 course and had just started
level 200 when I got a call from my sister telling me that my mother wasn’t
doing very well. I packed up my herbs and drove the five hours to my
parent’s home. I wanted to cry when I walked in and saw my mom. Her
entire body was so swollen you could barely recognize her. The doctor’s
office had just phoned in test results shortly before I arrived. She was in
Kidney Failure. They told her to let them know if she got worse and they
would see her the next week. I couldn’t believe it. KIDNEY FAILURE?
I looked at my mom and said, “Mom, I can help you if you will let me”. She
must have been scared because she agreed. I really didn’t know what I
was doing because I had only been studying for a few weeks but it had to
be better then, “See you next week.” I put her on the three day juice
cleanse and the extended herbal cleanse.
Because it was kidney failure we emphasized the Kidney Formula. I took
her off her water pill and substituted Dandelion instead. Because she is
diabetic, I also put her on the Pancreas Formula. We eliminated all dairy
products and the soda pop. Her neck was so swollen that we did Mullein
and Lobelia fomentations for several nights.
I stayed for ten days. When she went in the blood tests the following week
she was out of danger, the swelling was almost gone and all her numbers
were headed in the right direction. Over the next several weeks they
continued to improve: Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar levels, Cholesterol
levels…all of them.
I will never forget my dad walking me to my car as I prepared to leave. He
hugged me goodbye and said that I had probably saved my mother’s life.
I cried all the way home. Me, after only a few weeks was able to
participate in a miracle.
Swine Flu
This past October our entire family was blessed with the dreaded swine
flu. Although the hospital was flooded with emergencies and had no beds
left, we didn’t even need to see a doctor. Even Katie pulled through like a
trooper. I was amazed the night I went up to bed and heard her horrible
cough. I just rubbed X-ceptic, Mullein and Lobelia, and Anti-Spasmodic
onto her little chest and she never coughed again the rest of the night.
Although we did all the immune strenghthening things we could:
Immucalm, Echinacea, ElderFlower and Peppermint, Infection, modified
Cold Sheet Treatments, etc. we still had our favorite “symptom” reliever.
Our family called it the Swine Flu Cocktail. We would mix tinctures of
White Willow Bark, Kava Kava, and a few drops of Lobelia into a little
juice. It took the edge off the headaches and sore throats so we could
Migraines and Hormonal Changease
Through diet I had been able to get rid of all my migraines except the one
that happens with my cycle. I know I will eventually go through a Herbal
regimine for this but I am already taking so many herbs with the extended
cleanse, and others that I decided to wait.
A few months ago I started in with what I call, a period migraine. I took
four Hormonal Changease capsules and two Wheat Germ Oil capsules
and the pain was gone within a couple of hours. I now do this the first two
mornings of my cycle and have been migraine free for three months.
My 92 year old Grandmother
Last month I got a call from my dad that my grandmother wasn’t feeling
well. She had a slight fever and elevated blood pressure so they were
taking her to the hospital. She was recovering from hemorrhoid surgery.
Within two days of being in the hospital, she couldn’t walk, or eat and was
on her second blood transfusion.
Although they ran some obligatory tests the doctors were quite calloused
and just kept saying that she was 92 and this is what happens when you
are 92. She continued to deterriorate and a few days later she was
transferred to Hospice and the family was called in.
In Hospice they will let you bring in whatever you want so I brought my
juicer and started her on fresh carrot juice, Vitalerbs and Herbal Iron. We
also gave her Slippery Elm Gruel. I was there for one week and watched
her go from lying there helpless to sitting up, feeding herself and
beginning to walk. Everyone was amazed at her recovery.
Again, I was so overwhelmed with gratitude that someone as simple as I
with simple knowledge could participate in a miracle. Thank you.
Burn Paste
While I was there to help my grandmother, my mother burned her hand on
the element in the oven. It was burned badly and she was in a lot of pain.
(Again, I am terrible but all I could think was…cool I get to make a burn
paste…I haven’t done that yet).
I had her soak her hand in cold water while I made the paste. I explained
what I learned about pain and how it is misunderstood. I told her she
wouldn’t even need a Tylenol if she would keep the burn paste on. If she
woke up in pain during the night just put more on and go back to bed. We
watched the skin soak it up right where the burn was and not around the
edges. It was amazing.
My dad was speechless that she didn’t have any pain. Two days later she
left it off all day while she did laundry. By evening the pain had returned
with a vengeance. She didn’t do that again and the burn healed within a
couple of weeks.
Broken Foot
Last week my 16 year old son was skateboarding and broke his foot. I
asked the doctor not to cast it so I could have him soak it. She was great
and worked with me. I had him soak his foot in comfrey tea, sleep in
BF&C fomentations and take about 15-20 “00” BF&C capsules a day.
He broke it Thursday evening and by Sunday night was starting to put
pressure on it. By Tuesday he was (I am not kidding) in tennis shoes,
hiking the Redwoods in California and tromping through caves. When we
went back the following Thursday (7 days later) the Doctor couldn’t
believe it.
I know you probably hear from people all the time but I still felt the need to
thank you for continuing the work of your father and our Father. While I
thank God daily for the miracle of bringing this knowledge into my life and
allowing my to be a tool to bless others, I needed to thank you as well. For
every one of these stories there are others I did not cite. It has been an
incredible year. Thank you for teaching me.
Terri J.